The study of amyloid structure and growth has been motivated by their implication in many human diseases. There are more than 20 diseases associated with excessive deposits of amyloid plaques in the affected tissue or organ including Alzheimer's disease (AD), Parkinson's disease (PD), type II diabetes, and spongiform encephalopathies.
Read MoreWe are developing new approaches to single molecule measurements to enhance our ability to extract useful information from them. Innovations include data acquisition and instrument automation, incorporation of microfluidics, development of new labeling methods, and investigation of various immobilization schemes.
Read MoreWe are using information theory and hidden Markov models to improve the design and interpretation of single molecule fluorescence measurements.
Read MoreCHEM 106: Principles of Chemistry
Principles of Chemistry offers preparation in the physical science, chemistry, and applied mathematics to ensure student success in the General Chemistry series of classes.
CHEM 120 & 121: General Chemistry I & II
The combination of laboratory and lecture in this course prepares science majors for their future courses by teaching them the foundations of chemistry.
Prof. Talaga's sections of General Chemistry are run as a flipped classroom where students watch previously recorded lectures at home and then engage in guided problem solving practice during scheduled class time.
CHEM 544: Chemical Thermodynamics & Electrochemistry
The first half of this class is a condensed and abridged version of CHEM 540 and takes a probability-based approach to the two laws of thermodynamics to understand the molecular basis of the properties of matter including solubility, surface tension, phase separation, and elasticity with applications to pure substances, mixed phases, solutions, and polymers. The second half of the class covers fundamentals of electrochemistry including: electrode processes, electrode potentials, thermodynamics of cells, kinetics of electrode reactions, mass transfer by migration and diffusion, and discussion of several experimental approaches to electrochemical measurements.
CHEM 540: Chemical Thermodynamics
We take a probability-based approach to the two laws of thermodynamics to understand the molecular basis of the properties of matter including solubility, surface tension, phase separation, elasticity, ligand binding curves, cooperativity, protein folding, and more.
CHEM 100: Introduction to Chemistry
This Gen. Ed. lab science course is designed to introduce non-science majors to the fundamentals of chemistry and how it impacts our world.
CHEM 347: Biophysical Chemistry
This second semester of physical chemistry is intended to teach biochemistry majors aspect of physical chemistry applicable to biological systems.
Teaching Philosophy: